Tear the Veil In Two
Tear the Veil In Two
Tear the Veil In Two
Tear the Veil In Two

Tear the Veil In Two

Regular price $ 38.00
The other night I was working with a piece that brings forth divine prophecy. As I sat in a meditated state, my surroundings began to change. Suddenly, I found myself no longer in my living room, but I was inside the Temple of Jerusalem, outside the Holy of Holies. Immediately I knew that I had traveled back to the time of Jesus Christ's Crucifixion. I went outside to confirm my suspicion, but there was nobody near where I was. I looked up to the sky just in time for the sun to turn a blood red. The ground began to shake and there was a loud sound like a trumpet. I ran back into the temple just in time to see the veil being split in two. In the corner of the temple, an angelic form began to appear. Due to a psychic connection, I had to this entity I could tell that it was the angel of death. The angel did not speak, only shed tears. As the angel wept, its tears fell to the Earth. Where the angel's tears had fallen, beautiful glass beads began to take form. I could feel these beads radiating power, so I collected them and when I had returned to the mortal realm I had them made into a bracelet. 

These beads hold magic from the Angel of Death and, moreover, Heaven. When you wear these beads, the internal veil that keeps you separated from God will be torn in two. You will be able to walk through where you veil had once stood and enter the Holy of Holies in your mind. This signifies that you will once again be reunited with God in your perfect form. This will be manifested through your mortal body as you receive the blessings from God that allow you to manifest His miracles and white light power on Earth. These miracles are any that you can think of, but they must be white light miracles only. You are given the authority to sanction these miracles and to grant white light magic as you see fit.

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