La Dame de la Nuit
La Dame de la Nuit
La Dame de la Nuit

La Dame de la Nuit

Regular price $ 345.55




This piece is very powerful. It comes from one of the Rothschilds parties/rituals called the Dame de la Nuit. This one is more intimate and less known about as only the most powerful members of society are invited. I don't mean powerful as in they have a lot of influence. What I mean is the most magically powerful people are in attendance. these are people like the leaders of the Illuminati, leaders of Masonic Lodges, and other members of secret societies.  


The ritual is quite simple, actually. Once the ladies that have been invited are all in attendance they draw lots to see who will hold the distinct honor of becoming the Dame de la Nuit. She becomes the official hostess of the gala. One by one she leads the men in attendance to a room with an extravagant four-poster bed. Once she has them there she allows the man to have sex with her, taking his seed.  


The ritual is designed as such-- once the Dame de la Nuit allows the man to deposit his seed inside of her she acquires his powers and abilities, whatever they might be. These powers are then stored in a vessel she wears around her neck. Once she has taken each man's seed, she begins making powerful pieces in accordance to what each person desires to have. Each year the magic changes, but not by much simply because it is mostly the same people year after year who attend the gala. You'd be hard-pressed to find a power or ability that isn't present at the gala by the end of the night.  


What we are offering is an original piece that was worn by one of the Dames de la Nuit. This piece is from-- I believe-- 2019. This is not to say the piece was made in 2019 because the piece itself is antique with beautiful stones! It just means that this is the year they decided to make this the official power-keeping piece of the Dame de la Nuit. This piece holds all of the powers present at the ritual gala. Like I said before, you'd be hard-pressed to find a power that isn't present.  


To amend that, this piece will not give you immortality, but it will slow down the aging process and allow you to live a lot longer than you would have. It will do wealth, Egyptian power, Atlantean Power, Mayan Power, Native American Power, Quantum Power, Esoteric knowledge, etc. It's a very well-versed piece.    


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