Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta
Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta
Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta
Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta
Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta
Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta

Marduk's Dragon and the Elders of the Trifecta

Regular price $ 695.55


There will be no shipping from January 10 until February 3rd. If you can’t wait for shipping please do not order. There will be no exceptions. All items on Mercari and eBay will be on vacation mode for eBay and unavailable on Mercari until I’m back. The good news is for the first time in 15 years we hired another shipper! They are good and Lindy is training them as I type. Thank you for understanding, Dee Dee

She put this piece on as she would any other piece when testing it.  However, at first, nothing happened. She was sitting in the room talking to Daisy, waiting to see if she was going to feel any powers given from this piece.  By her account, the next thing she knows she is in complete darkness. It was pitch darkness. She said she couldn't see a single thing. She said that she admits that she was just a little bit scared by this encounter.  Scared wouldn't be the right word, but perhaps nervous. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a speck of light. At first, it was the size of a pinpoint. Then, as she watched it the small pinpoint of light stretched and grew into something far more magnificent.  

What began to take shape was an entity known as Marduk's Dragon.  Marduk's Dragon was the pet dragon of the God Marduk. For those of you who don't know who Marduk is, he is the son of Enki.  Enki is the Mesopotamian god of wisdom. After the creation of his son, Enki kind of drifted to the wayside and allowed his son to rise to power.  He gifted his son a dragon. Truth be told it was a snake-dragon hybrid. Yeah, so when I tell that Deedee was a little overwhelmed by the presence she saw before her, what I probably mean is that she was a lot overwhelmed.  But, I wasn't there, so I don't know all of the details. I know that I'd be overwhelmed.  

So, let's talk more about Marduk's dragon.  Each tale from Earth has its serpent in it. The one from the Bible.  The Norse story. The Mayans had their serpents. Egyptians had their serpents.  The Chinese had their serpents. Sometimes these serpents come in the form of snakes, other times in the form of dragons.  Marduk's dragon is kind right in the middle between the two of them. He is a crossover between a snake and a dragon, like a hybrid.  He was gifted by Enki to his son Marduk because he holds the ancient knowledge of the Cosmos. I would say the Cosmic Egg, but I really don't like saying that because it sounds kind of hokey.  However, in essence, that is the knowledge that this dragon holds.  

What do I mean by that? So, essentially knowledge of the entire cosmos means that this dragon has knowledge over life in general.  I don't just mean humans that live and die. I mean, he has the knowledge of the entire life force. This is life in all areas of the universe (including Earth).  Most life is cyclic and immortal, it's just that in our human states we don't really understand this. The dragon is able to see the bigger picture because he lives outside of existence so to speak and can see things from the outside looking in.  He is able to see all of existence, well beyond the boundaries of our own universe. He is able to see all powers, energies, and magic. He is timeless and immortal. He also happens to be the pet of Marduk, who is the son of Enki, who is the god of wisdom.  Enki is the god of wisdom, because the dragon, also called the Mushussu, gave him the wisdom to rule. This is the wisdom of the entire existence, as well as the magic that goes along with it.  

So, as Deedee watched in the darkness this dragon began to take form, only she said that it shifted into a more humanoid form and took her by the hand.  When he did this she felt a rush like a riptide all over her body. She was suspended in time and as the dragon of knowledge held her by the hand she was uploaded with all the knowledge of the universe.  This includes all the knowledge of magic, different species, different entities, different creatures, etc. This knowledge was put inside of her mind. While wearing this ring, she was able to simply think of power or magic in her head.  She said she watched in her mind as the magic was created. It then left her mind, traveled through her body and was added to this piece. The same thing happened when she used this piece to conjure entities. she thought of the entity in her mind, she felt as the energy of that entity passed through her body and emanated a spiritual form into her piece that could later be summoned.  This includes magic and entities from other realms that you have never heard of before because they are foreign to our existence. 


Daisy just called me right after I was done writing this up to tell me that Deedee had her test this piece also.  Daisy told me that her experience with the piece was similar to Deedee’s, except she was taken in front of a delegation called the Elders of the Trifecta.  These are the keepers of three arcane powers known to no very few living beings. She was instilled with these powers, which gave her ancient powers and abilities unknown to any other person on Earth.  These powers will not only amplify her given powers but allow her to expand the types of transformations she is able to do.  


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