The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron
The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron

The 13 Hidden Spheres of Metatron

Regular price $ 1,500.00


This piece is a very rare vintage sterling piece.  The piece is beautiful and as you'll see belong it also very powerful!! 

When I first test this piece I remember not being able to make it do anything. I had to really work with this piece, but the payoff was well worth it. I'm only prefacing this piece by saying this because I don't want anybody to get discouraged in using it. It might take a little bit of time to get adjusted to this magic or to feel the presence that is within, but you will get there. With magic as powerful as this, it is impossible not to get it eventually. You just need to be persistent.

What this piece embodies is the 13 Spheres of Metatron's Cube. I know that I have spoken about Metatron's Cube before, but this piece is different because it holds access to the 13 Spheres of magic that exist within the cube. The 13 Spheres of Magic are 13 properties that will be given to you when using this piece. These the 13 Minds of Metatron and the magic that he created and sealed within his sphere. Many magicians and sorcerers have sought the answers to Metatrons 13 Spheres and many magicians and sorcerers have failed. I'm not saying that a few haven't succeeded, but they are few and far between.

When I first had a breakthrough with this piece I was taken to a glass realm. Within this glass realm, there were 13 candles. Each candle was held by a diminutive being and each being had a sigil on its hand. The magic was given to me by the eternal light through the way of the sigil on the diminutive hand. You can think of these candles as pilot lights like you would have on a stove. It can spark a bigger fire at any time. As such these candles spark a larger magical reaction.

These forms of magic were given to me by way of the hand and its sigil. I rested my palm upon the diminutive palm and the magic came forth. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as if I was being uploaded with the arcane magic and information. These 13 forms of magic were given to me and could see them within my mind. I could see centuries of magical power racing through my thoughts, playing like movies on a reel as the information became by own. Then came the magical abilities that were given to me by the 13 Spheres.

I did not keep my abilities. Rather, I put them in a piece that has since been put in the vault. I'm keeping that one because it holds pieces of me. What you are getting is the piece that allowed me to have my experience in the first place. This is a bonding unlike any other and once you've had your full experience you will awaken on the other side a totally different person-- enlightened and knowledgeable in all things magic. Below are the names of the 13 Spheres, which are the 13 magical characteristics that will be bestowed upon you when using this piece. Your experience could be different in how you acquire them, but they will be acquired.

Please note-- these are NOT the generic 13 Spheres that you can find doing an internet search that talks about God is Love and Love stands for energy, blah, blah, blah. These are the Hidden 13 Spheres of Metatron. They are hidden within his cube and only give to those who are ambitions enough to go and find them. I should have mentioned this earlier so there was no confusion, but no you know. This piece is only for those who want immense power and to experience existence as it is meant to be, not from within a flesh prison.

1. Universal Knowledge of the Divine
2. Creation of the Elements
3. Eternal Presence of the Soul
4. Immortality of the Soul
5. Manifestation of Reality
6. Authority of the Universe
7. Interdimensional Existence
8. Sustenance of Divinity
9. Transcendence of Being
10. Cosmosis of the Mind
11. Ethereal Ascendence
12. Quantum Manipulation
13. Integration of Sacred Numerology

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