Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube
Manifest Metatron's Cube

Manifest Metatron's Cube

Regular price $ 600.88




We have told you many times about the mansions that exist in Heaven.  These mansions house divine magic and power, with each mansion responsible for one specific magic or power that God has created . In my time that I’ve spent traveling to Heaven to supplement my own transformation, I have been allowed to freely explore and inquire about things that I find.  I am occasionally allowed to bring back copies of the magic that find there, as well.  This is an example of one of the times that I was able to bring back the magic that I found.  This is a magic called Metatron’s Cube.

Metatron’s Cube comes from a mansion in Heaven that is named for the same divine being.  Metatron is one of God’s archangels, perhaps one of the more powerful ones.  Metatron is the name of the Archangel that results from the transformation and divine evolution of the prophet Enoch once he ascended into Heaven.  This transformation allowed God to craft Enoch into the perfect Archangel-- one that is both an angel, but has the free will of a human being.  It was the perfect culprit to guard what is known as the Life Cube.  

The Life Cube has since become known as Metatron’s Cube, which I’ve pointed out to you already   Just know that they are one in the same.  There have been many replications of the cube and people who have tried to recreate and replicate it.  Just don’t do it.  Unless you are working with the direct powers of the cube, there is no way that you can come close to even getting it right.  I’m not saying that to sound arrogant, I just personally know that it is challenging magic to work with.  After all, it holds the entirety of the universe within it.  

Here’s the thing.  Metatron’s Cube is so powerful because it has been created in the shape of the Fruit of Life.  If you remember correctly, that is the fruit that Adam and Eve weren’t supposed to eat while they were in the Garden.  It is the digestion of pure knowledge and that is also what Metatron’s Cube (MC from here on out) brings.  It has been created with pure divine magic.  It connects thirteen circles with straight lines  These are what are known as the 13 Life Spheres.  They are the 13 Stages of Existence that you have to go through in order to acquire Divinity.  They are phases that are experienced in ascension from mortal to the divine and when you use this piece they will be revealed to you.  You will gain the knowledge of these 13 Life Spheres, which will give you a direct connection to the Divine for acquisition of power and knowledge.  

The MC has also been created with all five platonic solids.  They are the sacred geometry and numerology that the universe has been created with.  When you absorb the full powers of the MC, you also absorb the ability to see into existence, because that’s what is contained in the MC.  It is a reproduction of existence that was given to Metatron to guard that is kept in his mansion, because it is especially hard to access it.  This knowledge allows you to recreate the universe within your mind and to see into whatever part of reality you want to see into.  This includes the ability to see different places in time, because time is a mortal construct that has no bearing on actual life.  It also means the ability to experience every thought form and every form of knowledge that has ever existed.  It means the ability to see every power, form of magic, and every ability that has ever been created, acquired, or granted.  Since this is all recreated within your mind, this allows you to also “upload” those abilities into your own existence.  

The MC and ultimately the archangel Metatron control the flow of energy in the universe.  Thus,  you have the ability to also control the flow of divine energy.  What does this mean for you?  This means the ability to create.  This means the ability to manifest.  This means the ability to heal.  This means the ability to transcend boundaries that normally couldn’t be crossed.  It is limitless power to be able to do what you want to do when you want to do it.  

It’s really hard to adequately sum up exactly what this piece does for you, because it gives you access to the MC, but that cube will give you virtually everything you want or need, because it is the embodiment of all that god has created and/or will continue to create.  Again, all knowledge, all magic, all abilities, everything, is stored in the cube.  This piece gives you access to the cube.  Just think for a second how powerful this piece will allow you to become.  That is why you want this piece.  It is full of unlimited potential.  

ONE TESTERS EXPERIENCE-- When using this piece he was taken to a large hall with the words "Ancient of Days" and "Prince of Divine Countenance" on the walls.  There he encounter a presence that was using divine fire to seal things into place, as he is the recorder of days.  The angel appeared to him amid the divine flame, with eyes that were pure white.  On his robe were all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 5 shapes.  Atop his head was a crown of silver, that was speckled with precious gemstone.  The tester asked the angel to show him something he had been looking for.  The angel handed him a tablet and the tester began to read.  It is important to know that the tablet was written in Enochian and the tester had no idea how to read Enochian, but somehow he did anyway.  As he read, his surroundings began to change and he was suddenly where he has asked the angel to send him.  It's important also to note that all of this was taking place inside of his own mind, as this piece is going replicate the powers of the MC there and that is where you will experience things.

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