Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ
Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ

Secrets of the Magdalene, 114 Magical Powers of Christ

Regular price $ 700.00

She was born a holy child in the town of Magdala by the Galilean Sea. Even in her young age her parents and everyone around her knew that Mary Magdalene, also known as Mariam, was bound for spiritual and holy greatness. As a young child, her parents would find her having conversations with herself, later realizing that it wasn't herself she was conversing with. It was God's angels that she was speaking to, telling her what her life was to hold and what she was going to have to bear.

 When Mariam was old enough to make up her own mind, she remained faithful to God. For this God was grateful and decided to bless her with a gift that was so great that not a single person was ever recorded to have received it. When Jesus was sent from Heaven to Earth, he knew he had the destiny to fulfill. The gift that God gave Mary Magdalene was being to the most extensive and intensive witness to the miracles that his son was about to perform.

 Mariam was ready for the gift, too. As a young woman, she "took up her cross" and followed Jesus, acting as one of his disciples. In fact, it is said many times in the Holy Bible that Mary Magdalene was his most beloved. She has even been venerated as a Saint in several religions, including multiple Christian denominations. As if being this treasured and sanctified by the Messiah wasn't enough of the gift, God had one more grandiose gift to give. She was the only one of Jesus' disciples present for all three of the events leading up to Jesus' ascension into Heaven, those being the Crucifixion, the Burial, and the Resurrection.

 Additionally, there were 114 secrets given to Saint Thomas. Jesus gave the meanings to these 114 secrets, that were secrets of eternal life, to the Magdalene. There she received at the foot of the cross, while the Christ was dying. She is the one who holds the key to the secrets of Jesus' second coming and how to be seen in the right light in the eyes of the Lord. These 114 secrets hold secrets to ancient magic, and while they might be revealed by St. Thomas, the true meanings of the verses lie in the mind of the Magdalene.

 Even with all of these blessings with which the Magdalene was anointed, no one is invulnerable. Satan, the Dark Prince sent to Mary Magdalene Seven demons. These Seven demons were the ones of the darkest hour. They hold all the horrible powers of Satan and his dark magic and scheming plots. The Seven Demons that were sent to her were Amy: The Presiding Demon of Hell Asmodeus: "The Destroyer" and Prince of the 2nd Realm of Hell, which deals directly with sexual magic and lust.

Astaroth: A very powerful Demon, one of the original 72 that can be found in the Lesser Key of Solomon.

 Azazael: Another very powerful Demon, he is the peddler of influence and knowledge (particularly of the dark arts)

 Baal: The most powerful demon, period. He sits at the right hand of Satan and controls 66 leagues of lesser demons.

 Leviathan: He is original sin and holds the secrets of dark arts; He is 1/3 of the dark triad and is the original tempter of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Mephistopheles: He is the original Faustian. He is the dark prince of Hell and one of the many hands of Satan.

Jesus took pity upon Mariam and cast these demons out for her, and refuted their reentrance into her ever again, sanctifying her body as a temple unto the Lord. He called her the "Equal of the Apostles" and it is said that he loved her more. Whether or not she was actually a prostitute is debatable and comes from stems from the reputation her homeland had for this practice. What is known and well documented is that she was very loved by Christ and received these special divinations. She was instilled with his holy grace and power, entrusted with many divine responsibilities, and loved above all.

 The piece that you see below is a piece that I found in the clouds while I was in Jordan. I was in Jordan on an investigation, when I decided I would take a break to explore the surrounding historical monuments including the treasure and Petra. Petra is a ruin in Jordan that was once a very deified temple that served Gods chosen. Unfortunately, it presently stands abandoned. Its humongous facade can attest to how grand it once was, though, with the entrance to the temple being several stories tall.

 As I was entering the entrance to the Temple a strong wind stirred up and my eyes were stung with dirt and debris from the ruins. I dug my fists deep into my eyes to rub and soothe them. When I began seeing spots, I relinquished my hold. Off to the left, where the wind was coming from, I began to see the clouds take the form of a majestic throne. I was awe-inspired and humbled at the majesty of the sight. I dropped to my knees as the cloud-throne descended upon me and was laid to rest on the ground in front of me.

A voice that spoke like angelic thunder spoke to me, simply stating that Jesus takes pity over all humanity. At that the cloud rose high into the sky and dissipated into a rainstorm, moistening the dry climate. I stood there in awe. When the rain passed and the sun shone once again, I noticed a glimmering at the spot the throne had descended upon. I went over to explore, and I found this piece.

I took this piece home with me. I kept it with me in my hotel room, where it began giving me visions and sharing secrets of the religious unknown. It was at this point, I realized the raw power that I had received. I took the piece home and began an investigation on it immediately. From the work that my co-workers and I did on this piece, I can tell you that this is the power of Mary Magdalene, as given to her by Jesus and God. I have given a full account of what this piece is capable of above.

 This piece also holds all seven of Mary Magdalene's demons. The demons are kept at bay, though because of the holy nature of the piece. They go hand in hand with Mary's story, though, so it is not possible to just omit them and get rid of them. They can not hurt you in any way shape or form. Their existence is secondary to the powers that have been given to this piece from the highest realms of Heaven.

 The result of the clashing of powers is that this is a dual magic piece. It holds the highest divinations from Heaven as well as the rawest form of dark arts magic as well. You can call upon either the deities or the dark entities. They have been pretty much laid out for you above. There are no limits on this piece, so you can use it however you'd like.



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