The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God
The Mystical Blood of God

The Mystical Blood of God

Regular price $ 8,000.00


There will be no shipping from January 10 until February 3rd. If you can’t wait for shipping please do not order.  There will be no exceptions. All items on Mercari and eBay will be on vacation mode for eBay and unavailable on Mercari until I’m back.  The good news is for the first time in 15 years we hired another shipper! They are good and Lindy is training them as I type. Thank you for understanding, Dee Dee

This piece holds the blood of God. This is not the blood of Christ, but the blood of God. Yes, Jesus Christ is technically 1/3 of the Holy Trinity. However, the son was the sacrifice and therefore had to come to Earth. So, while his blood is extremely powerful (as witnessed in some of the pieces that we have offered through the years), the blood of God has never ben mixed with human blood and is thereby 100% pure. Most of you are shaking your heads right now in disbelief because it probably never really occurred to you that blood flows through God because he is technically in spirit form. I'll tell you this much. We were created in His image and we share a lot more similarities than you you might think. Besides, spiritual form means something different to us than it does to God. You have to remember, God is the creator of our universe, so he can pretty much exist in whatever form he wishes to exist in. This is why he appeared as a burning bush to Moses. This why he sounds like thunder sometimes and other times he sounds like trumpets. God is able to do whatever it is he needs to do. His thoughts become the ultimate reality.

So, you are probably asking yourself how we came across this item in the first place. It's not every day that somebody just shows up claiming to have found the blood of God. Well, that's a simple answer, but it is a little bit involved. Deedee got it from an Arabian woman at the Underground Auction. Her "Earth" name is Majeeda and she is hundreds of years old. She dresses in traditional Arabian clothing, but she doesn't subscribe to Islam, or Christianity for that matter. She prefers old school esoterism and connected to the universe and the Ascended Masters a very long time ago. This is how she has been able to acquire most of her magic. She channels the magic of the ascended masters and the white light brotherhood and manifests it on Earth. However, she is quick to point out that this piece is not a result of her own doing. Rather, this piece came to her one night while she was meditating in the Qumran Caves.

For those of you who don't know what the Qumran Caves are, you can search for them on the internet. In a nutshell, the Qumran Caves are a highly energetic system of caves that once house scrolls that held deep-rooted white light magic. The Qumran caves are open to the public certain times of the year and for certain hours throughout the day. However, this piece came to Majeeda after he bent the rules and visited the caves during off-hours. She said she's not really the rebel type, but she finds that meditating in the caves at night time brings about a sense of peace and calm that can't be found at other places. It allows her to connect to the universe in very intimate ways. All of her life (we're talking about hundreds of years) Majeeda has visited the caves and never once had an experience like the one I am about to tell you about. She was quick to inform us that she has never had that kind of experience again.

As she sat in the cave meditating there came a strange humming. She always lights a small fire by which she meditates. As the humming became more and more noticeable and less subtle, she noticed that her fire was extinguished. There wasn't a raft, so she found this to be weird. However, she didn't have much time to think about it because almost as soon as the fire went out and the strange humming sound became almost too much to bear, Majeeda came face to face with an astounding creature. At first, she was getting ready to leave the cave for obvious reason. She saw something streak across the sky like a shooting star. A second later there was a being standing in front of her, maybe seven or eight feet tall. She described it as wearing robes of white, with flowing hair of silk. Its eyes danced with wildfire and the face was humanesque, but she described it as being a little larger than life. The creature had gorgeous wings, with a wingspan that was almost as wide as the cave that Majeeda was meditating in. It began to beat its wings gently and the humming sound that Majeeda heard inside of the cave, only it was coming from directly in front of her.

The angel's wings began to beat faster and with each beat of the wing, the humming became louder, beating vibration in Majeeda's mind. She began to get sleepy and it wasn't long before she slipped into an altered state of consciousness. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell into the angel's arms. The angel wrapped its wings around her and zipped through the sky toward the heavens. when Majeeda opened her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. In front of her was an enormous version of the Ark of the Covenant. On top where the brazen cherubim would have stood on the Earth version, there were real-life angels flocked like pidgeons. In fact, at this moment she noticed that there an entire realm was full of flying angels. The flitted through the sky like so many birds, landing occasionally on top of the building she was standing before. It didn't take long for her to realize that the angels were landing on the build to recharge-- or at least that is what she assumed due to the astounding amount of power that she felt coming from the Ark of the Covenant.

She felt drawn to the Ark as if it were calling out her name. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that she was mesmerized by the power and found herself being drawn in closer and closer to the Ark. She eventually was close enough to reach out and lay her hands on it. As she did, she felt a whirlwind of energy begin to overtake her body as the essence of the Ark pulled her in and pulled her through. As she crossed the barrier from the outside of the Ark into the inside of the Ark, she saw the creation of the Earthly ark on Earth. As it was built, so was this one in Heaven. This was the first time she realized where she was. As she saw the Ark being built, she saw the one in Heaven replicating the one on Earth. When the Ark on Earth was sealed, so was the on in Heaven. Only a person pure of heart could enter and Majeeda had successfully entered She saw the entire history of the ark before her eyes were opened and she was able to see what lied before her.

The inside of the ark was a room created entirely of gold, inlaid with precious jewels of all kinds. There were artifacts and all kinds of curiosities of religious magic. In one corner of the Ark, there was a giant replica of the Ten Commandments, preserved forever in gold, written in a language that Majeeda could not comprehend. However, a psychic connection to the tablet told her that it was the sacred law. In another corner, there was a shrine. An eternal flame was lit at the rear of the shrine and the smoke of incense arose. It a small golden bowl was a ring. The ring was a square shape and filled with fluid. She reached out with her hand to touch this piece. She picked it up and as she moved the ring, the fluid moved with the ring. She slowly eased the ring onto her finger and as soon as she did there was another blast of energy. This time she was transported to another place. She looked up and saw the base of an enormous thrown. Then she heard the singing and exaltation of millions of angels. She looked into the sky and saw angels once again, flying to and fro like gulls on a beach. They burst out in praises and songs to God. Then Majeeda heard a voice that rumbled like thunder.

"Majeeda, arise! It is you that I have chosen to receive a blessing. Arise and behold my face."

Majeeda realized that she still had the ring on her finger. Then, she arose and did what she was told to do. She said at that moment she arose and looked into the face of God. She not only saw, but she felt the history of the universe. She knew all of God's knowledge and all of his magic simply by looking in his face. Majeeda said there are no words that she can really use to describe what she had encountered. She said the universe danced in God's eyes and she was able to see all of existence by peering into them. Initially, she thought that her body was not going to able to retain the information that was being given to her. Then God spoke to her and told her, "The blood in that piece that you found in the Ark of the Covenant is my own blood. It is the blood of immortality. It is the blood of all knowledge. Through this blood is all magic granted. Through this blood, you achieve all that you wish to achieve because this holds the pure essence of the living God. With this blood are all things granted. There is nothing that you will not be able to do because the blood of God gives you the ability to create and control. Now, go and take it to the world!!"

At this, Majeeda woke up in the cave she was in at Qumran. She began testing this piece and it was able to use it to do many things. She created tons of magic with it. She used it to speak with the authority of God and took pull all sorts of beings out of the woodworks. She used it to create her own magic and to create her own beings. However, what she loved most about the piece was the wisdom. With this piece, you hold the mystical blood of God. You share in his wisdom and knowledge of the universe. you share in his abilities and capacities. This is because the blood of God opens up your soul and allows you to exist in God's form with the blood of God flowing through your veins. You will be a direct reflection of God on Earth, so naturally, you will hold dominion over that too. You will be able to travel in time and to other places simply by willing it into existence. You will be able to create entities by thinking them into existence. This magic will allow you to create existence with a single thought. You can create miracles and change destiny, warp reality, and vanquish evil. In fact, there isn't much this piece can't do.

When wearing this piece you will gain the same experience as Majeeda. You will be shown the Ark of the Covenant the same way she was after you are greeted by an angel like the one that greeted her. You will be able to look upon the Face of God to know what he knows. He will grant you immortality if you want it. As a bonus, Majeeda has done a little bit of work to this piece, also. In addition to the astounding powers brought to you by the Blood Of God, this piece also reveals the truths of the White Light Ascended Masters, which is the magic that Majeeda uses in her daily life. This will teach you things like ascendence, how to materialize wealth, and how to reroute the cosmic flow of life through your own body so that way you can also use this to create your own magic. This piece is very multifaceted and extremely powerful. We owe Majeeda a million thanks for sitting down with us to narrate her experience with the piece, so that way we could pass these experiences onto you to better help you understand the power in this piece!


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