The Palace of Opulence, A Griffin and the Wealth of 3 Lifetimes

The Palace of Opulence, A Griffin and the Wealth of 3 Lifetimes

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece houses a Griffin that we summoned from a place in Heaven called the Palace of Opulence.  As such, I'm sure you can imagine that this piece does a little bit more than clear your life of all evil influences and then keep them all at bay.  The Griffin, which is in spirit form, is pure white with eyes that reflect the solar system.  It guards the wealth of Heaven that is kept in the Palace of Opulence and will bring the same measure of wealth into your life.  Well, okay not the same measure of wealth, but you get what I'm saying.  This piece brings wealth that is beyond anything you've ever dreamed possible.  This piece brings the wealth of three lifetimes.  Once it has brought that amount of wealth the Griffin will return to Heaven and the piece will simply be used for protection.  We were only granted a short stay with the Griffin.  Of course, short in human terms in different than in God's terms, so you will have long enough with this Griffin before you must part ways.

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